Can anyone really know the best course of action though?

Everything has a reason, but reasons don't always have to be fair. Disability is not fair. There is no good reason for it. Being hindered when you are not the object of fault is unfair, and it is this unfairness that brings about injustice.
It is natural for us to categorize things since no two things are exactly alike. We naturally choose to separate to gain better insight and learn to completely accept. That is the only logical reason for separation. That being said, society has went against logical reason for far too long. Those who fall under the category of disabled have been isolated to an extent which should be rendered null by now. Disability is not a spreadable disease and most of those who are disabled don't exactly mean any harm to anyone. There should be no reason to fear and discriminate. But there is fear since there is no trust. But then again, how does trust work? Trust must be gained from both sides. And sadly, those who are not disabled never loosened up to trust. The ones who are responsible for this injustice are the ones who have remained illogical and inhumane, those who are not disabled.
So lets say everyone followed through with the proposal from Nancy Mairs. "The transition will probably be difficult from a physical point of view no matter what. But it will be a good bit easier psychologically if you are accustomed to seeing disability as a normal characteristic, one that complicates but does not ruin human existence. Achieving this integration, for disabled and able-bodied people alike, requires that we insert disability daily into our field of vision: quietly, naturally, in the small and common scenes of our ordinary lives"(Mairs). I personally agree that integration is the most proper course of action to take, but I say that mainly since it goes against the trend which has proven to not be mutually beneficial. Integration does not entail acceptance though. You can open the gates and still choose to ignore. It would be even worse if the greater display of disability was to entice even more scorn. However, I do believe that greater acceptance can come if the following generations are taught properly and learn to see through all lenses. And it only makes sense for proper integration to be the first step in that process.


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