Changing times

Back in June 6, 1935, the line was clear and solid. The African-Americans community rooted for Joe Louis while the White majority rooted for Primo Carnera. The victor would be the worldwide champion, and his fellow race would proclaim themselves as "the strongest people in the world". However, a single event like this wouldn't express equality. White folk at the time wouldn't acknowledge the outcome with acceptance. Maya Angelou stating, "It wouldn't do for a Black man and his family to be caught on a lonely country road on a night when Joe Louis had proved that we were the strongest people in the world", expresses that it would be safe to presume that the White community were upset.
While that very line still exists today, it is not as solid as back then. Today more people look beyond the tone of an individual's skin tone, and focus on an individual's background as a person. America's reaction on August 26, 2017 shows this. Conor McGreggor vs Floyd Mayweather. I understand that the respective races can easily be influenced towards the man of similar physical attributes, but more people are sensible today. More people acknowledge both sides and would applaud for both contenders. Most people, even the contenders, respect one another and have learned to accept. It didn't matter who won this time since it would be an American victory. anyway.


  1. I really liked your positive outlook on how society now views races as far more equal and considers people for the values they stand rather than their race or appearance. This is very important to note, as just a few generations ago large-scale wars were fought solely due to racial conflicts. Great post!


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