
Once upon a time, everyone and everything had a role. Stretching back to a time period even before the birth of Jesus and vacuous humans, all organisms lived in mutual harmony. Nature would respect life as life would return the favor. However, today, the world experiences commensalism, an evident truth which is seen with distressed individuals. The narrator in Judy Brady's "I Want a Wife" exemplifies this truth. "Wife" is more than a term to express the relation of a female to her spouse for Brady: it is a task of complete devotion and service. A "Wife" must shift to absolute selflessness. A "Wife" must "send me to school", "make sure my children eat properly and are kept clean", "take care of the children when they are sick", take care of the details of my social life", make sure that I am satisfied", and perform many other tasks. The narrator also utilizes a rhetoric hyperbole which furthers her selfishness; she must have the freedom of discarding one "Wife" for another "Wife". Such egocentric behavior-found in distressed and lazy people- invites disaster for them self and others. Communal sense and beneficial conclusions are best built upon empathy. If you choose to remain obstinate in your world with pink elephants, dazzling rainbows, and vibrant unicorns, then you will be perceived as a lazy child who can only complain and whine. Good deeds are reciprocal. Aid can only be received if it is granted. So learn to share.
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  1. First of all, that picture made my day. Also nice job on incorporating the puzzle paragraph points into your paragraph smoothly.


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