Why do people care so much when being judged?

"Sitting at the conference table musing on these matters, I felt sad to think that we women didn't have the freedom to be unmarked that the men sitting next to us had. Some days you just want to get dressed and go about your business. But if you're a woman, you can't, because there is no unmarked woman". I don't know exactly how serious Deborah Tannen is, since I am not her, but I disagree with her remark on females having to obey to limitations just since it has to do with retaining a settle background. Perception does not dictate a person's life. You are only hindered when the you believe you are being hindered. It's just like disability, you are only disabled when you believe you are disabled. There is no need to feel "sad". While some males may be wrong for naturally being quick to judge, what they say does not matter. The ones who are imprisoning marked individuals, just women according to Tannen, are themselves. Those who are bothered and judged have to see that loose remarks hold no value at all. I'm not trying to be harsh, only practical. I understand that being wrongly accused is annoying, but I would never say that it restrains me from my freedom or character. I would never voluntarily imprison myself. This concept isn't rocket science. These marked people need to stop stressing over the unnecessary and see where greater importance lies. But then again who am I to speak. I am just the kind of person who prioritizes sleeping over more things of possible greater importance. I don't know. I just feel like people should do whatever they want as long as they don't serve as a botheration for others. According to me, no one, man or woman, should be restrained according to another person's thoughts or beliefs. After all, that is what living life with no regrets is. Let go of the frivolous and be free. :D


  1. I think you have an interesting perspective and I agree that people should live life without worrying about others' judgments.


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