...but why though...

There is a reason why I do not hold English class in high esteem compared to other classes. If you don't know me, then imagine a long greasy haired kid who usually has a blank mind with half-moon eyes. I don't like thinking about the "abstract" stuff. It makes me light headed and delirious to a certain extent. This does not mean I can't understand these matters to a slight extent, but I probably won't meet the desired expectations since I don't have the heart and courage to "truly" interpret and analyze an "abstract" piece. No offense to anyone, but I can't help but sometimes be in a state of "...but why though..." when reading to analyze and/or when listening to a discussion concerning analysis. I can't ask my that improper question,"...but why though..., since there is no proper answer to it. A simple person like me likes simple things.
After completing my read of The Death of the Moth, at 12:00 P.M. like a lazy procrastinator, but with some attention, I did not properly understand Woolf's true intent. My superficial attention, not a critical one, detected an observation of "an insignificant little creature now [knowing] death". That's right, I read superficially which is most likely loathsome for teachers. However, when I had to answer Woolf's purpose for homework, I came to realize the "artistic" contrast of life and death. It takes me a problematic amount of time to think and understand. I don't have that leisure when writing an in-class essay of when taking a multiple choice test. I can't do 2+2, only 3+1, which is deemed as wrong most times.
I don't know what this blog is...but I at least hope you somehow enjoyed this random rant about my slight incompetent nature in English class.
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