Too much doubt shrouds certainty

Chet Raymo's concern is understandable. He draws parallels between the current situation of genetic modification practices with historical allusions which resulted in misfortune. His attitude is filled with doubt and too much of it. He has a strong and unhealthy conviction that the past transcribes the future. Meddling with forces of the unknown have proven to be harmful. Altering forces of the unknown is probably perceived as even worse. However, it is crucial to note that the "unknown" portion is misleading. Scientists, who specialize in the altering of genes, have knowledge on the technicalities in which they play with. It can be true that they don't know enough, I certainly wouldn't know; however, they are not hasty and irrational to assume. They wouldn't wear what is assumed to be "carnival glitter" or drink cocktails with factors which can prove to be harmful. Anything can be harmful, and that is why skepticism is essential, a trait which qualified scientists do have. Their actions are not as blind as those which would be discovered in a transaction between a junk dealer and a easily seduced individual. Regulations do exist. There is enough doubt. 
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